GE 99’s vision is a society where all enterprises are good corporate citizens
GE 99 is a consulting business owned and run by Johnny Gylling
Johnny has worked with Public Affairs and CSR in the telecom industry for the latest seven years. Before that he was a Member of Parliament for eight years and also conducted a governmental investigation. Before that he did twelve years as an IT consultant for manufacturing companies. With his long experience of communication between politics and enterprises GE 99 can offer advices in the areas of CSR, Sustainability, Public Affairs and Communication, both internal and external.
Johnny Gylling’s network includes other people with great competences.
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GE stands for Good Enterprises. 99 was the year when the UN published the Global Compact – the guidelines for responsible companies.
The companys legal name is Good Enterprises 99 AB.
Registered number 556974-8329.